Intended use Detection of water penetration and leaks Connection to KNX push-button interfaces or other binary inputs with 5 V poll voltage (e.g. 2177 SV R, 23001 1S U, 23002 1S U, 39001 1S U, .. 2178 TS .., .. 2178 ORTS .., CO2 .. 2178 .., 40002 1S E, 40004 1S E, 40008 1S E) Fitting to the surface to be monitored
Application examples Below or next to the bathtub or showerUnder the kitchen unitBelow or behind washing machinesIn boiler roomsIn supply shafts with water pipesIn cellar rooms with a risk of backflowBelow or behind aquariumsIn the heating manifold of underfloor heating system